“Some instruments like trumpets incite courage. Others, like the flute, the sweetness. And there are others, like the organ, who snatch the soul from the heavenly “ (Santo Tomás de Aquino)
In the last few years, my whole family have become Catholic. This distance between us has become greater and greater. For this reason I decided to make a film to help me understand how the Holy Spirit has made it´s way into their lives, our lives.
A film of affection, absence, emptiness and distance.
VOD, SVOD & DVD available only in Spain
Check the official site
Notes by Punto de Vista Festival
A film about a church organ, family, harmony and something even more difficult: faith. Concepts that are more or less basic through which there is an attempt to explain something so profound as it is ineffable: the director’s sisters suddenly convert to Catholicism and the filmmaker tries to grasp what is behind this personal transformation mechanism. Intelligently dismounting the classic format of the interview documentary (don’t forget the title’s play on words, Converso also comes from the verb to converse), the director sits on a chair that becomes a confessional of others and his own, asking questions in front of a mirror that is none other than the mirror of the house. It is a family film with a personal search and a huge cinematographic question: If the Holy Spirit enters our home, is it possible to make a film on it?
Clipping & Reviews:
Gonzalo de Pedro, Otros Cines Europa. Click here
Rubén Ramos Nogueira, Teatron. Click here
Ferrán Bono. El País. Click here
Sofía Pérez Delgado. Videodromo. Click here
El cine que viene. Radio5. RTVE. Click here
El séptimo vicio. Radio3. RTVE. Click here
Miguel Ángel Martín Maestro. Revista Último cero. Click here
Alfonso Rivera. Cineuropa. Click here
Enric Albero. Caimán Cuardenos de Cine. Click here
Sergio de Benito. Revista V.O.S. Click here
Julián García. El Periódico de Catalunya Click here
Crítica de Nuria Vidal Click here
Philipp Engel. Revista Fotogramas Click here